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Isabella Young Receives the 2023 CROI New Investigator Award

February 24, 2023

At the 2023 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Isabella Young was awarded the 2023 New Investigator Award. She met Dr. Fauci in person and presented her work to attendees. Congrats Isabella!

Carolina Awarded $2.91 Million to Create New Ultra-long-acting HIV Drug Delivery Implant

November 6, 2019

HIV clinical trials have shown that the protective efficacy of daily antiretroviral drugs for the prevention of HIV transmission correlates with adherence – whether an uninfected person takes the prescribed medication at proper times. But nonadherence is a major roadblock toward decreasing the spread of HIV. One solution to the adherence problem is to make drug delivery less frequent but no less effective.